In the face of difficulties with erection, difficulties in the intimate sphere, men fall in panic and begin to take powerful pills to improve the situation. There are other safer ways to increase the sexual power, to deal with the problems in the sexual life. They require a little more time, but they are more effective, because not only relieve the external symptoms, but eliminate the causes of an unpleasant situation. The term power comes from the Latin word "power". Below it is understood the man's ability to have sexual relations with a woman. This concept includes the power of sexual desire (libido), the possibility of the arrival of the erection, from full capacity, to meet both members of the couple, and the sex, the intensity and the quality of the intimate life.

If there is no psychological overloads and other negative factors, led by an active style of healthy life, the man holds the interest in the sexual contact and the opportunity to participate in them before the age advanced. For most of this life zone is very important. In the modern world, with the difficulties in the sexual sphere are faced with not only the mature man, but young, young people of 25 to 30 years. Negative influence:
- the high level of everyday stress and speed of life;
- bad habits;
- long-hour mode of day;
- wrong, the diet;
- psychological difficulties for the communication with the opposite sex.
Sexual impotence, problems with libido or erections for many men are perceived as shameful the fact of weakness. In place of the due diligence by a specialist to determine the causes of what is happening, begin to take a variety of medications, widely represented in the pharmaceutical market. Enhance the power of this form is very difficult, because the intake of most of the medications for the offensive of erection in the own mechanism of the libido has virtually no impact, resolves each situation in particular, but not the problem. Independently understand how to increase the sexual power, it is difficult, because the causes of impotence and other problems in the intimate life of men too. It requires a personalized solution to each case. When is it due to the difficulty of access to specialists, and undergo a thorough examination. Sometimes, the reduction of power is internal, of a physiological nature:
- hormonal disorders or restructuring;
- violation of the circulation of the blood;
- the excess of weight;
- bad habits.
The physiology is not often the influence of the male power. Many of the representatives of the stronger sex know that the emergence of a new partner or the splash of the feelings in the long-term relationships with your woman, increase sexual desire in a natural way. The couples, where the relationships between the spouses of confidence and warm, a favorable atmosphere in the family, sexual relations occur in 2-2,5 times greater than that of the pairs of the disadvantaged. After a study and the establishment of the causes of the weakening of the power in each individual case are developing your treatment plan. Medications the doctor only when they detect physiological violations (inflamation of the inflammation, endocrine, vascular disorders), the treatment of which is impossible without the medication therapy.
After the analysis of the image of the life of a man expert still gives recommendations on:
- the nutrition;
- the physical activity;
- the recovery of the healthy psychological background in the sexual relationship of a couple.
How to increase male potency natural ways
Professional urologist, the endocrinologist or sexologist it is easy to give an answer to the question of how to improve sexual potency without medication and pills. To do this, it is required to improve the overall quality of the life of a man – resolve health problems, addictions and weight problems, start eating properly a healthy diet, to abstract from the influence of stress, move more and more often of having sex with his wife. This approach to the issue of the help to strengthen sexual arousal in order to prolong the total time that the sexual act is much better than the drugs of use special.
The normalization of a regime of day
When the first signs of weakening of the power is not worth to start taking pills or using topical medications. In many cases it is necessary to make adjustments in the lifestyle. Sitting work, lack of mobility, the low level of exercise a physical lead to the general degradation of the energy of the tone, the stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs, which leads to the violation of erectile function. Physical activity, renunciation of bad habits, the normalization of the sleep modes, the work and the rest increase the power is not fast, but efficiently. Most important regular classes of mobile sports (athletics, swimming, games, sports) help to normalize the hormonal status, to reduce the weight, improve the functioning of all systems of the body, relieve nervous tension. For the maintenance of the standard of the functionality of the nervous system it is necessary to comply with a regime of day:

- full works eight hours of sleep during the night;
- the implementation of the morning load;
- physical warming of work and breaks;
- standard day of work;
- daily physical activity;
- a walk in the fresh air before going to sleep.
The power
The power gain without medications and pills subject to a healthy regimen of a proper diet. In the diet should be present in a large amount of vitamins (especially a and E), magnesium, zinc, foods with a high content of vegetable and animal proteins, vegetable fats, fiber, slow carbohydrates. The kitchen is desirable to steam or in the oven, it is best to forgo the fried foods. Are excluded:
- fast-food;
- sausages;
- alcohol and sugary sodas.
Specialists recommend the following set of movements:
- Walking on the buttocks. Sit on the floor, place the hands on the waist or the hips, legs, bend at the knees. Lift your feet off the floor, and continue to move forward, shifting the body weight from one buttock to another, and then again. Do 10 movements forward and is a player, the amount of approaches – 5.
- "The bicycle" lying on his back. Lie on your back with your legs up above the ground at an angle of 90°. Then the movement of rotation of the knee, imitate the movement of the legs when riding a bicycle. Perform for 2-3 minutes, gradually increase the time of execution.
- The pendulum. Open your legs to shoulder width, sit back so that the buttocks were at the same level with the knees. Make a trembling movement of the pelvis forward and is a player. Previous start with 30 to 40 seconds, gradually increase the time of execution. Among the approaches suppose that the interval of 30 to 60 seconds, the amount of approaches 3-5.
- Gateway. Lying on your back, bend at the knees, bent a peruvian in the elbow of the hand lead to the head, and support the palms of the hands on the floor. Stretches at the same time the hands and the legs, lift the body off the ground and the rotting of the back. Hold the top position in 10 to 25 seconds, down again. The number of repetitions – 3-5.
- The uprising. Do 15-25 squats for the approach, gradually increasing the number of repetitions. The number of approaches 3-5.
- "The Big step". Stand and place the hands on the seams. Previous start marching in place, bending the legs and squeezing the knees to the belly up. The run time is 2 to 3 minutes.
How to increase male power in the home
The improvement of the power in the home is possible with the application of integrated measures for the normalization of the image of the life of men:
- Help to healthy eating, physical activity, regular practice of sports, the mode of suspension.
- We recommend regular sexual intercourse natural to maintain production levels of testosterone, the reduction of daily stress.
- The implementation of the special exercises to improve the circulation of the blood, with time, will improve the quality and duration of the erection without the taking of tablets and the use of topical medications.
- Effective home remedies to improve power.
The increase of potency in men after 50
The weakening of the sexual power in men in adulthood is a natural process, related to the hormonal reorganization in the body, the overall decrease of the energy of the tone, the deterioration of health in general. To improve the situation in particular, it is important to follow a healthy lifestyle:

- stop bad habits (alcohol, tobacco);
- eat properly;
- avoid stress;
- properly relax;
- move more.
You should maintain a stable number of sexual contacts and that does not reduce, because the sex life will increase the intensity of the production of testosterone. The older men of that age, it is recommended that the so-called baths of contrast to improve the flow of blood in the pelvis and the urinary organs. I take 2 of the pelvis, fill one with hot and one with cold water. Sit on each, alternating between 30 and 50 seconds. The improvement of sexual potency in men remedies possible in the framework of comprehensive measures of sanitation of the organism. The medicinal plants have the ability to increase masculine strength, increase testosterone levels, restore the mechanism of svoevremenno incoming full erection, to prolong the duration of sexual intercourse. Before resorting to the methods of traditional medicine consult with a specialist in information about the contraindications and side effects of the actions. Are effective the following tools:
- The decoction of the medicinal herbs. Take 2 tablespoons of dry nettle, the colors of the st. john's wort, and chamomile of the medication. Cover with boiling water and keep it over a high heat for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring regularly and not giving the infusion to a boil. Immediately cool until cooking, drain. Take before each meal for 1 spoon of tea, that throughout the month.
- Extract of ginseng. You can buy dye at any pharmacy. Take daily, morning, a teaspoon before meals, with a glass of water, for 6-8 weeks.
- The tincture of alcohol in the ginger root. In 200 ml of alcohol will need 50 mg of dry root. Rub the crude oil is the root of the mean of a grater (150-200 g), to dry in the air. Pour the alcohol (or quality vodka), insist from 16 to 20 days at room temperature. Drink a teaspoon before each meal with a glass of water, during the last 2-3 months.
- Syrup of dried fruits and spices. Crush and mix with 60 g of dried apricots, prunes and raisins with 1 dessert spoon of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon, cloves, cardamom. Pour 300 g of sweet red wine, is able to withstand a small fire, stirring regularly, for about an hour. Take three times a day, for 3 weeks, dose rate – 1 tbsp
Several ways of increasing the power of the men remedies
See 32 ways to increase your power of remedies for 3 days or more of the representatives of the stronger sex.
What is useful
Honey with walnuts

- Both components are taken in equal proportion and mixed, the nuts previously it is necessary to grind.
- The mixture used in the amount of $ 2 teaspoons after eating, drinking milk, morning and night.
In addition to the fact that:
- this mixture gives the same vitamins that you normally would have all, throughout the day.
- help to develop the male hormones.
The pomegranate juice
If drinking pomegranate juice for about a month, every day, you already feel the effect.
At least in the circle during the day.
He is good, that improves the circulation of blood and, as a result, accelerates the increase of the swelling of the authority.
Therefore, pomegranate juice is a popular tool to enhance sexual potency in men, without side effects.
- The turnip is useful to combat erectile dysfunction. This vegetable eaten as the fresh kind, and to be in the water.
- Bake in the milk, which will only increase the effect.
- You can mix the vegetable with the other, making the salad. For example, a salad of carrot and turnip.
Carrot juice
- You can drink it by the half-glass three times a day after meals.
- The carrot, by itself, improves circulation and blood flow in the pelvis, increases the combat capacity of the working of the male organ.
The tincture of berries mountain ash, rosehip seed oil and the leaves of currant
Let's look at the following method of preparation of the tincture for the increase of the power remedies in the home of the men.
- Take the berries of mountain ash in the amount of 150 grams of the berry of the rosa mosqueta 50 grams of leaves of gooseberry also in the amount of 50 grams. All this is washed and poured a liter of water.
- Begin to boil. When boiling keep on a slow fire for 20 minutes.
- Allow it to cool. Now you can drink 3 times a day in the volume of 200 ml at one time.
The banana and kefir
As does this mix:
- Take half a banana and put it in a bowl, where it is milled thick dough.
- Pour in a cup with a weight of finger, add sugar to taste and all mix thoroughly until dissolved.
- Delicious and useful drink after meals or before exercise.
- Instead of kefir you can use varenets, or the cream will sour.

The advantages of the mixture
- In addition to the fact that yes, the banana helps to increase the duration of intercourse, and the improvement of masculine strength. Previously we have already written about the increase of the resistance in the bed, with good techniques to do this.
- And dairy products improve the reproductive capacity and the performance of the seed.
- Together they give an increased effect, and the mixture is considered to men by means of the increase of the power quickly.
Some seafood
- Squid;
- Cancers;
- Mussels and oysters;
- The mackerel;
- Rapana.
All these shellfish are considered aphrodisiacs and are always increasing the activity in the bed.
Stewed or roasted tomatoes
The best option is to consume vegetable after the heat treatment.
That is to say, it is better to turn off or the oven.
In this form are stronger that increase the function of the sex glands.
The tomatoes also added to the pizza or the pasta.
These methods allow the man to improve their sexuality, and increase libido. Remember that the relationship with the woman is not always based on sex. Pay attention to his long involvement in the hobby is in a quiet area, relaxing. This will help you to better understand the inner world of the couple.